How to Run Robonomics Dev Node

For testing your applications on Robonomics you may want to run it in the dev mode. This article shows step-by-step instructions how to get your own local testing instance of Robonomics.

Get Node Binary

  1. First, you need a binary file, download the archive with it from the latest release.

  2. Navigate to the archive folder, unpack the binary and change permissions:

tar xf robonomics-2.4.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
chmod +x robonomics


Run the node with:

./robonomics --dev

You will see the following output:


From Scratch
If you want to purge existing blocks you may do this with removing RocksDB at /tmp/substrate******/chains/dev/db/full.
Replace ****** with a corresponding identifier displayed in logs on launch.

If you want to start the node from scratch every time use --tmp flag.


Now you can connect to your local node through the Polkadot Portal.

Change the network to Local Node in the upper left corner and press Switch.


Welcome to the local instance of Robonomics!

local node

Couldn't complete

we'll keep in touch!

It was hard

we'll keep in touch!

It was ok

we'll keep in touch!

It was easy

we'll keep in touch!
Main contributors: @LoSk-p
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